Please view the package features below to determine which vessel will best accommodate your event before completing the form.
Please advise that each vessel has its own minimum capacity requirement and they each have a different maximum capacity. We ask that after reviewing the features included in the package, you review the pricing for each vessel, as well as the minimum & maximum capacity required, before completing the form, so that you request to proceed with a vessel best suited for your event.
After you have completed the form, a representative will contact you via email to proceed with your reservation.
Once you have reviewed the information in the email and reply to confirm you are ready to proceed, we will make arrangements to have the manager call you to have you view the vessel, confirm date/time availability, and provide a deposit.
In order to officially confirm a reservation, a deposit is mandatory and the balance must be provided before the date of the event. Please note, Deposits are non-refundable so we ask for serious inquiries only. The manager will advise further on deposit information.
We also have several open-to-the-public events which are featured on our Cruises page.
If you're looking to celebrate a birthday on one of our open-to-the-public cruises, please visit our Birthday webpage.
**NYPartyCruise handles event coordination and brokering for charter cruises in New York City. We do not own the vessels, nor do we hire their staff as far as security, bartenders, or sailing crew.